
SOS for Homework Part 2

SOS for Homework Part 2

In SOS Homework Part I you learned the seven behaviors that get in the way of children completing their homework independently and determined which of those might apply to your child. Now it’s time to create your plan to help develop the necessary skills.

SOS for Homework Part 1

SOS for Homework Part 1

What to do about behaviors that get in the way of completing homework independently

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time believing those parents that tell me they don't have to help their children with homework. They report that their kids happily start their homework soon after they get home and stick with it until it’s done. My kids certainly didn’t work that way and I spent a lot of time managing homework which left me little time to do the other things that needed to be done. And even though I thought it would get better the older my kids got, things didn't change. From personal experience and research, I found there are seven behaviors that typically keep kids from completing homework independently and what can be done about them.