For Parents

Building Lasting Habits

Building Lasting Habits

I love to order books on topics that will help me in the work that I do and recently I purchased and started reading “The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier.  Although it is written for business leaders to better support their employees, it is just as helpful for others who want to move from a place of controlling others to a place of empowering them. Empowering students is what I do and what I help parents and teachers do as well. 

The chapter “How to Build a Habit” immediately drew my attention since we’re at the beginning of a New Year and I’m developing my goals for the year. I was surprised to find that 45% of our behavior is habitual and runs on autopilot (Duke Univer

SOS for Homework Part 2

SOS for Homework Part 2

In SOS Homework Part I you learned the seven behaviors that get in the way of children completing their homework independently and determined which of those might apply to your child. Now it’s time to create your plan to help develop the necessary skills.

SOS for Homework Part 1

SOS for Homework Part 1

What to do about behaviors that get in the way of completing homework independently

I don't know about you, but I have a hard time believing those parents that tell me they don't have to help their children with homework. They report that their kids happily start their homework soon after they get home and stick with it until it’s done. My kids certainly didn’t work that way and I spent a lot of time managing homework which left me little time to do the other things that needed to be done. And even though I thought it would get better the older my kids got, things didn't change. From personal experience and research, I found there are seven behaviors that typically keep kids from completing homework independently and what can be done about them.

Find what you need, when you need it -- How to gain control over school papers

Find what you need, when you need it -- How to gain control over school papers

Spending the time and effort to create a system for handling the constant flow of paperwork and a routine for maintaining it will benefit you and your child. You both will be able to find what you need when you need it and not waste time and energy in the process! 

Effective Study Habits: Remember More in Less Time

Effective Study Habits: Remember More in Less Time

Studying for exams is probably the last thing that anyone wants to do which leads to procrastination and poor study habits. Learn how to create effective study habits by considering your goals, study schedule, and techniques.

Test Anxiety? 3 Ways to Get a Grip During High Stakes Testing

Test Anxiety? 3 Ways to Get a Grip During High Stakes Testing

Many children suffer from high test anxiety which prevents them from obtaining good results. High stakes tests and the pressure to do well increases anxiety. As parents, you can keep your child calm during this stressful time by getting a grip on what's really important.


I love the holidays and spending time with my family but dread all the extra work that goes along with the season: sending cards, hosting parties, buying presents, attending parties. It’s not that I don’t like doing those things.  I really do.  It’s just that I would like some extra time to fit it into my already busy schedule. 

This year, I’ve figured out how to get it all done in 5 easy steps 



If you have kids, you know that student and organized doesn't go together.  How many times has your child been late or called from school and asked you to drop off homework, a project, lunch, or even an entire backpack?  And, have you looked in that backpack lately? The good news is that there is a growing field of professionals who can help children get organized.  They are called Student Organizers.