Current Workshops (Locations and Dates)
Summer Reading Standoff
Tips for parents to help their children with summer reading assignments
In this one hour workshop, parents will learn new ideas for helping their child get the summer reading assignment done on time and with less hassle. Teachers know that summer reading helps keep reading skills sharp so kids start the new school year off right. Kids know this too but they never seem to get around to reading. Parents are caught in the middle. Finding the right solution depends on each child’s unique learning and thinking styles. As part of the session, the different styles are explored so that together, parents and their child can create a reading plan that works.
Get Organized
Tips for middle and high school students on organizing for a successful school year
Studies have shown that weak organizational and time management skills may lead to lower academic success, self-esteem, and productivity in addition to creating more stress and anxiety. Many children struggle and need guidance in these areas. In this workshop, students will learn key organizational and time management skills that can help them both at school and in life. These skills include keeping track of their materials and belongings, creating a system for completing homework, and planning for successfully completing long term projects.
Coming Soon:
Project Procrastination
Tips for middle and high school students on ending procrastination and getting the job done
Chore Challenge
Tips for parents on getting your children to do their chores without the battle
Late Again!
Tips for parents on helping your chronically late child arrive on time